Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blog 3: The Lost Boy by Dave Pelzer


How does the setting affect the mood in your IRB?

     In my IRB, The Lost Boy, the setting is greatly affected by the mood. You can say this book has a sad mood. Since Dave Pelzer is been abused since the age of 5, with many bruises, the school begins to notice a change in his face and body. So he becomes a foster child. It's sad because before becoming a foster child, he lived in the garage, with nothing , but an army coat to sleep with. Also every night he would go to sleep in pain. Being a foster child really affected his mood. The mood then changed to happy and loved. He had his own room with more that 1 pair of clothes when he lived with his first foster parents, . The setting is greatly affect by the mood for Dave Pelzer.

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