Friday, December 3, 2010

Blog 9: The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan

If you could create a symbol for the main character in your IRB, what would it be and why?  Be sure to include specific examples from your book to support your choice. (Make the statement, proper nouns or numbers, and conclusion a different color.)

      If I could create a symbol from my IRB would be many options. For one, I think the symbol would be a breif case. This is because Carter was living with his father and his sister Sandy, was living with his gradparents. Carter's father, Julius, always had a breif case with him, but Carter didn't know what was in it. He had to promise his father he wouldn't ever open it. When his father tried to write something on the Rosette Stone, he ended up killing himself, yet he still didn't open the case. This is why I think the symbol is a breif case.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Blog 8: So B. It by Sarah Weeks


     Describe the effect the literature has no audience. Make to use specific examples to support your answer.
     By describing the literature that has no audience, I have found many examples to support me. This book is about a girl, Heidi, who goes on a journey alone to fund why her mother say only 29 words and one of them is soof. This book makes me want to keep reading because of the mystery it has shown. Another example is that when she goes to the retirement home, she finds out that her father is also another man that says "soof". Both parents have a mental disorder, so her gramdpa thpught she would have it too. Endend up she didnt, and gave a mystery with why she had to figure out this word.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Blog 7: The Last Hero by Rick Riordan


Identify a theme in your IRB.  Describe events in your book that support this theme.

            There are many themes in my IRB The Lost Hero. The Lost Hero's main theme is heroism. When Jason came out of no where it was a big surprise to Piper, his girl friend, and Leo, his best friend. He didn't remember a thing and was expected to go on a quest without his memory. Leo, who was the son of Hephaestus,  fixed the dragon that was lost and helped with the transportation for half of the quest. Helping Hera was weird because Hera hates children from Zeus. The biggest mystery is that Percy Jackson is missing and everyone is thinking hes at the Roman Camp instead of the Greek camp and Jason and Percy switched to combine both camps. Jason becomes a hero because he helps figure out what happened with Percy, and help Hera escape.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blog 6: Runaway by Wendelin Van Draanen


On the Internet, read a biography about the author of your IRB.  How do you see the traditions, heritage, attitudes, or beliefs (pick one) of the author in your book?  Type the date and the question.  Make sure to highlight the statement, proper nouns or numbers, and conclusion.

 After my readings of the author of my book, Wendelin Van Draanen, I have conclude that she uses her attitudes towards her books. In the book Runaway, Holly runs away from home and goes through all these adventures out in the woods and streets. Draanen, while growing up, was a tomboy who loved the outside adventures. since Draanen was very young, she loved books and loved to read them. Holly also reads book in between her adventures. She also reads and write. Draanen puts lots of her attitudes in her stories.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Blog 5: Runaway by Wendelin Van Draanen


How is the meaning of the story of the text affected by the setting? Could it take place somewhere else?

      In my novel, Runaway, the story of the text is affected by the setting. This story could not take place somewhere else. This story take place at the school and the rest is outside because travles to the west from the east. This story could not take place at the west because Holly runs away from home because she want to go somewhere warm. Her foster care, Benders, are creepy people who treat her badly. She writes in her journal, to Mrs. Leone, about her journey of being a gypsy with no home. This story could not be taken place somewhere else because Holly wants to go somewhere warm not cold.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blog 4: A Man Named Dave by Dave Pelzer.

9/ 28/10

Describe the author's tone and voice and how the setting contributes to its tone.

    In my book, A Man Named Dave, the author's tone and voice helps contribute the setting to its tone. Dave Pelzer writes about love and sorrow. This book has told me so far that since he had been abused since he was 5, he because a foster child where he had been carried to the right path. His foster parents, until he was 18, were Harold and Alice, who helped take care of him with lots of love. This book also has sorrow because he decides to leave everybody, to go join the air force. This book gives a good understanding of sorrow and love.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blog 3: The Lost Boy by Dave Pelzer


How does the setting affect the mood in your IRB?

     In my IRB, The Lost Boy, the setting is greatly affected by the mood. You can say this book has a sad mood. Since Dave Pelzer is been abused since the age of 5, with many bruises, the school begins to notice a change in his face and body. So he becomes a foster child. It's sad because before becoming a foster child, he lived in the garage, with nothing , but an army coat to sleep with. Also every night he would go to sleep in pain. Being a foster child really affected his mood. The mood then changed to happy and loved. He had his own room with more that 1 pair of clothes when he lived with his first foster parents, . The setting is greatly affect by the mood for Dave Pelzer.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Blog 2: A Child Called "It" by Dave Pelzer


What is the main character's motivation be sure to include specific details from your IRB.

     In my novel,  A Child Called "It",  Dave Pelzer is the main character who has a motivation. Since the age of 5, Dave has been abused by his mother and has become a slave for her. His motivation is to keep trying hard and not letting his mother know that he cares for what she plans for him. Since being stabbed with a knife and burned on a kitchen stove, Dave has only god to help him. He finds different ways to get back at her. For instance when he was starved with nothing to eat, he would steal food from anywhere he can without having his mother know. This is a true story during the 1960's, that this boy had such courage to survive from his mother.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Blog 1: The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks


Describe the conflict in your IRB.  Be sure to use specific examples from the book to support your answer.

        There is a huge conflict in this book, The Notebook. In the retirement home, Noah is the main character and his love, Allie, has a disease where she forgets everything. He reads to her a notebook, which she wrote to him about there life and how they fell in love. Even though she cant remember him, Noah is still in love with his beloved. He may be old but he's still in love. Everyday he reads to her the notebook and she listens to him, and everyday Noah has to go through the pain that his wife can't remember him.