Monday, May 9, 2011


1. Why was The Outsiders banned from public schools after it was published?
           The Outsiders was banned in many ways. One reason for sure was because  of the focus on gangs and gang fights. And also there was a bunch of freely smoking, drinking and cussing.

2. Why did SE Hinton write The Outsiders?
         The reason why SE Hinton wrote Outsiders was because she wanted to create a realistic story about being a teen. Also, like her character Ponyboy, she wanted to record some events of her high school experiences.

3. SE Hinton has written many books.  How does she go about writing them?  Explain her style.
          SE Hinton wrote and read many books. But she wasn't happy with the literature that was written for young adults, which influenced her to write novels like The Outsiders. She Basically likes to write stories and novels from experiences. She gets ideas and inspiration from what she has seen or heard that is interesting. She only writes adult or advanced teen books.

4. Who is SE Hinton anyways?  Tell about her life.
         SE Hinton is one of the best known writers for adult fiction.  SE stands for Susan Eloise. She loved to read so she decided to start writing herself. She always wrote about her experiences and her hobbies.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blog 11: I Like Him, He Likes Her by Phyllis Reyonlds Naylor


Describe a subplot and explain how it related to the bigger plot in the story.  Remember to highlight your statement, proper nouns or numbers, and conclusion.
            There are many subplots in the plot of the story I Like Him, He Likes Her. Alice is the main character and a subplot is when he tells about the couple times. This  happens when she talkes about he mother, Marie,  who had died when she was 5 years old. She tell little stories of what she remebers about her mom. Like what jewelry she like too wear and things like that. Sometimes she talks about her father, Ben, and her big brother, Lester, and how they were in relationships. These are some stuff she talks about as a subplot.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Blog 10: The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan pg. 299

Do you relate to the main character in your book?  How is he or she like or not like you?  Compare and contrast the main character's life with yours.

       I will compare and contrast the character from my book to me. The main characters are Sandy and Carter. I think I am more like Sandy. I am more like her because she is not afraid to speak in what she believes in. She is different and doesn't really care what people think of her. She also has a brother just like me. Carter is more innocent which the total opposite of me. He is also quiet and thinks before he speaks.  That is the differences and similarities between the main charactesr, from the book, and me.