Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blog 6: Runaway by Wendelin Van Draanen


On the Internet, read a biography about the author of your IRB.  How do you see the traditions, heritage, attitudes, or beliefs (pick one) of the author in your book?  Type the date and the question.  Make sure to highlight the statement, proper nouns or numbers, and conclusion.

 After my readings of the author of my book, Wendelin Van Draanen, I have conclude that she uses her attitudes towards her books. In the book Runaway, Holly runs away from home and goes through all these adventures out in the woods and streets. Draanen, while growing up, was a tomboy who loved the outside adventures. since Draanen was very young, she loved books and loved to read them. Holly also reads book in between her adventures. She also reads and write. Draanen puts lots of her attitudes in her stories.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Blog 5: Runaway by Wendelin Van Draanen


How is the meaning of the story of the text affected by the setting? Could it take place somewhere else?

      In my novel, Runaway, the story of the text is affected by the setting. This story could not take place somewhere else. This story take place at the school and the rest is outside because travles to the west from the east. This story could not take place at the west because Holly runs away from home because she want to go somewhere warm. Her foster care, Benders, are creepy people who treat her badly. She writes in her journal, to Mrs. Leone, about her journey of being a gypsy with no home. This story could not be taken place somewhere else because Holly wants to go somewhere warm not cold.